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Marie Parris
MD and Founder, George Ellis Property Services

Marie Parris is the Founder of George Ellis Property Services, but she is no ordinary “letting/estate agent”, she actually cannot stand being referred to as one. Fed up with the way agents were managing her own properties, she decided to take back her entire portfolio and manage it herself and she worked full-time, (still does!) A year after this, an opportunity had arisen to speak at an event about investing in property and shortly after that George Ellis was created. Part of the name is taken from her late amazing Father, who with her Uncle had invested in room rents in the 60s and 70s. Her company has never lost their roots as they started giving practical seminars and grew organically. Never one to follow a conventional path, Marie has carved out a unique profession - she has been a regular speaker at property exhibitions and events for 12 consecutive years, manages an impressive client portfolio throughout London with her team, without any rent arrears. She is a qualified letting and management specialist, well respected within the PRS and has been called upon to host and judge many award shows. Whilst Marie has been a landlord since 1994, she still manages her own portfolio, (without any rent arrears), but the road has not always been smooth. She had a property repossessed, was nearly made bankrupt and had an injunction order placed against her. Marie believes that every woman should own a piece of real estate they can call their own. 

When she is not giving seminars at property exhibitions, she is hands on running her hybrid letting and management company – George Ellis Property Services, which allows landlords to cherry pick the services they want. With over twenty five years of experience she has let and/or managed properties in most of the 33 London Boroughs. 

Marie has been training landlords (and agents) who choose to self-let and manage to a compliant standard, free of litigation whilst demonstrating how to avoid nightmare tenants and remain solvent. Her training style is preventive, practical and proven, using structured solutions always offered within a legal framework. 

Her business concept of training landlords to manage their properties or doing so on their behalf is the first shopfront of its kind in London. 

This direct, no nonsense woman will tell you what you really want to know without the gloss whilst she will inspire, empower and educate you in the process.